Place born
Organisation / Person
1881-1952, manufacturer of measuring and testing machines, Leipzig, Germany

Louis Schopper

1881 - 1952

1884-1922, railway company, United Kingdom

Lanarkshire & Ayrshire Railway

1884 - 1922

1881-1884, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Elham Valley Light Railway

1881 - 1884

1883-1893, railway company, Norfolk, England

Eastern & Midlands Railway

1883 - 1893

1883-1912, aviator, French

Latham, Hubert

1883 - 1912

1883-1923, railway company, Scotland

Killin Railway

1883 - 1923

1883-1900, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Bexleyheath Railway

1883 - 1900

1881-1883, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Gravesend Railway Company

1881 - 1883

1883-1966, cartoonist; illustrator; poster artist, British; Welsh

Thomas, Herbert Samuel

1883 - 1966

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1882-1973, son of Edgar Tarry Adams, British

Adams, Francis Norris

1882 - 1973

1883-1928, light bulb filament manufacturer, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Royal Ediswan

1883 - 1928

1883-1991, telecommunications manufacturer, London

Standard Telephones and Cables PLC

1883 - 1991

1881-1957, artist, British

Aitken, John E

1881 - 1957

1883-1935, artist, poster artist, sculptor, graphic designer, illustrator, cartoonist, British

Watts, Arthur George

1883 - 1935

1882-1956, printer, ephemerist, and classical scholar, British

Johnson, John de Monins

1882 - 1956

1882-1970, mechanical engineer, New Zealander; active Britain

Bulleid, Oliver Vaughan Snell

1882 - 1970

c.1884-1964, railway engineer; historian, British

Dewhurst, P C

1884 - 1964

1881-,locomotive manufacturer, Stoke on Trent

Kerr, Stuart & Company Limited

1881 - 1930

1881-1961, medallist, French

Benard, Raoul

1881 - 1961

1884-1976, Locomotive engineer, British

Hawksworth, Frederick W

1884 - 1976

1884-1964, Lord Brabazon of Tara; aviation pioneer; politician, British

Moore-Brabazon, John Theodore Cuthbert

1884 - 1964

1882-1968, astronomer; physicist, American

Babcock, Harold Delos

1882 - 1968

1882-1967, astronomer, American

Duncan, John C.

1882 - 1967

1881-1966, British army regiment

Middlesex Regiment

1881 - 1966

1881-1934, artist; illustrator; poster artist; designer

Taylor, Horace

1881 - 1934

1882-1944, theoretical physicist; astrophysicist, British; English

Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley

1882 - 1944

1881-1957, aircraft designer; spaceflight pioneer and theorist; engineer, French

Esnault-Pelterie, Robert Albert Charles

1881 - 1957

1883-1976, artist; painter; illustrator, British

Wallcousins, Ernest Charles

1883 - 1976

active 1881-1924, rope makers, Wakefield, England

George Cradock and Company

1881 - 1924

1884-1963, artist; etcher, Scottish; British

Barclay, John Rankine

1884 - 1963

1882-1924, agricultural machinery manufacturer, English; British

Stanford and Company

1882 - 1924

1884-1922, railway company, England

Midland & South Western Junction Railway

1884 - 1922

1882-1960, plastic surgeon, lecturer, Dunedin, New Zealander

Gillies, Sir Harold Delf

1882 - 1960

1884-1898, railway company, United Kingdom

North Pembrokeshire & Fishguard Railway

1884 - 1898

1884-1960, automobile and medical engineer; designer, England, British

Smith-Clarke, George Thomas

1884 - 1960

1882-1922, railway company, United Kingdom

Rhondda & Swansea Bay Railway

1882 - 1922

1884-1899, camera manufacturer, America

Mutschler, Robertson and Co.

1884 - 1899

active 1880s-1966, manufacturer of vaccine preparations, Battersea, London

Jenner Institute for Calf Lymph Limited

1881 - 1966

1884-1984, nurse, British; English

Batten, Elizabeth

1884 - 1984

de Grineau, Bryan

1883 - 1905

Fleming, Arthur Percy Morris

1881 - 1961

Marin, Eugene Gaspard

1883 - 1969

Craig, Elizabeth (MBE, FRSA)

1883 - 1980

Paulhan, Louis

1883 - 1963

Baumann, Karl

1884 - 1971

1883-1959, medallist, French

Canale, Victor S

1883 - 1959

Whitcombe, Harold Arthur

1883 - 1943

Constantinesco, George

1881 - 1965

Birkett, Stanley

1884 - 1959